Still using spreadsheets to run your business?
We can convert your spreadsheet data into a database. This will ensure data integrity and give you much more power and control over data capture, reports and so on.
Create easy-to-use software applications to suit your business requirements.
Most business software utilises database technology for the storage of operational information.
We create software applications based on your specific needs.
Representing data in meaningful ways is fast becoming critical in the day-to-day management of your business.
Generating dashboards and reports, which present data in an easy to read and understand manner, is an essential tool in day-to-day management.
Importing of Data From Other Sources Into Your Database:
The importing of that data is essential to the smooth continuation of the operational functionality of the software.
As a part of the software development process, we facilitate this importing of data.
Documenting Your Software Applications:
We will facilitate the required meetings and workshops with the clients and developers to ensure efficient, smooth process and will provide all documentation in hard copy as well as electronically.
Creating Your Shop Window
We design website according to your requirements, at highly competitive rates.
So you’ve got a great website. The only problem is that you are not getting traffic to the website. The best, most cost-effective way to do this is by implementing a program of search engine optimisation (SEO). This process will, over time, improve your ranking on Google and other major search engines, for natural or organic search results.
Organic search results are those results that are not paid advertising. On Google, they are the main results you see on the screen.
Research has shown that more than 80% of searchers click on the organic results. So, logically, SEO is the better way to go.
SEO consists of two main aspects. The first is what is called on-page optimisation. This involves making your website as search engine friendly as possible. Google crawls the web many times a day and the crawler collects information about you website and sends the results back to their servers. It is critical that the crawlers get the right information
Once the first stage is completed, the second stage is known as off-page optimisation and is an ongoing process. This involves generating interest in the form of backlinks to your website. This involves social media, blogging and article publication.
Our expertise in these areas can see your website ranking in Google.
In addition to the above, we offer other services, such as complex spreadsheet models, planning facilitation, training and recruitment.
The most important thing to know is what you want to accomplish. Why do you need the software? What should it do? What outputs, or reports do you need?
Having a clear vision in mind is critical when starting a project.
We will also guide you through the process, so it doesn’t all fall on you.
This question cannot be answered with any accuracy, as there are projects that can be completed in a couple of weeks, or there are projects that take several years to complete in a series phases.
To provide an accurate answer, we need to evaluate the project complexity and scope of work. With this information, we can provide an estimated time frame.
Again, this depends on the size of the project and the scope of work. Our costs are based on hourly rates, which vary depending on the technology utilised and the level of complaxity of the application.
You certainly do not have to be a software development expert, that’s what we’re here for. We will guide you through the whole process and explain everything. Focus on your needs and we’ll deliver what you require.
We work in a short iteration mode and regularly test the work results, taking into account all requirements and desired outcomes.
On deployment of the software, the project is run parallel to existing systems to evaluate results, especially with software that involves complex calculations and outputs.
Quality is our top priority.
Of course we do. It is critical that you are happy with the software we have developed for you.
We are also available to develop any modifications and additions you may require.
We treat each of our clients and their IP as strictly confidential and are willing to sign non-disclosure agreements to ensure peace of mind.
Contact us by filling out our online form, email or phone. We’ll arrange a meeting to talk over the salient points.
Be sure to prepare as much info about your idea as possible, it will smoothen the meeting and benefit further cooperation.